s we all know, the world population is aging.
In most countries the percentage of elderly is increasing rapidly, compared to the number of births. According to WHO figures, by 2050, the number of persons over 65 years old will more than quintuple – from 400 million to more than 2000 million.
In Portugal about 20% of the population is more than 65 years old, which puts us in 4th place in the list of EU countries with the larger elderly population.
Although over the past few years it can be seen a growing concern in general care, and nursing of this segment of the population, the growth of the figures means a major challenge for the society, in terms comfort, emotionally and physically speaking, as well as in terms of security, since in many circumstances the elderly keep on living in their homes alone, often isolated from population centers. In this context, the safety of the elderly, as well as the speed in assistance in case of incidents, is one of the key issues.
This system is the first response from Dynasy for the monitoring of elderly people living alone. Once more, knowledge added to a culture of service led to development of this tool allowing for the elderly, respective families and supporting institutions, each one in its context, to feel more secure.
Elders living in remote locations
The Tele Alert system aims to:
- Alerting for the immobility of the elder – The system sends a text for every phone number in its memory, if there is no movement after a certain preprogrammed period of time. This time span can be programmed, both locally and remotely
- Alerting whenever the elder leaves home, and comes back
- Allowing the request for help in cases of emergency and/or panic. This system provides a water-proof panic button which the elderly can use in any stressful situation
- Alerting for gas leakage
- Alerts can be sent into 16 (sixteen) different numbers (sequentially)
- The SMS include the description of the situation, and the hour/date of the occurrence
- The system allows the alert suspension during the night rest
- It can also operate as a normal alarm
The Tele Alert fixes system is composed by the following elements:
- One Central unit, concentrator of the peripheral sensors and GSM communications interface;
- 5 (five) sensors:
- 2 movement sensors;
- 1 panic button;
- 1 door sensor;
- 1 gas sensor;